Smart Grid Observer

Grid4C Collaborates with Itron to Embed AI-Powered Analytics into Smart Meters at the Grid Edge

February 19, 2020    |   back to news


AI-powered energy analytics company Grid4C is collaborating with Itron to embed its predictive analytics software solutions within Itron Riva smart meters to solve the industry's next generation use cases in real-time.

The solution will utilize Itron's Distributed Intelligence platform, standard on every Itron Riva meter, which is designed to provide a secure compute environment, application management and real-time data delivery to enable edge processing and real-time insights.

AI Grid Edge solutions is designed to provide utilities with granular real-time predictions and actionable insights for their operations and customer-facing applications. This core technology drives applications ranging from granular load forecasting and distributed energy resources optimization, to home energy management at the appliance level, and the prediction, detection, and diagnostics of faults for grid assets and home appliances, in order to improve operational planning, reduce peak demand, increase energy savings, deliver new revenue streams and increase customer engagement.

"Itron is not only an industry leader but an innovator in helping utilities maximize the benefits of smart meter investments, and we are honored to collaborate with them," said Dr. Noa Ruschin-Rimini, Grid4C founder and CEO. "By embedding the most advanced machine learning insights directly into Itron's robust, high-performance smart meters, we can help plan and optimize distributed energy resources in real time at the edge of the grid, prevent faults both on the grid side and on the consumer side, and help consumers manage their energy better. The combined solution will provide a significant edge to Itron's customers and the communities they serve."

"By deploying Grid4C's industry leading AI analytics on Itron's Distributed Intelligence platform, this collaboration will enable utilities and cities to harness AMI data to take full advantage of their smart grid infrastructure," said Don Reeves, senior vice president of Itron's Outcomes business. "We are excited to deliver Grid4C's AI technology to equip consumers to conserve energy."

Source: Grid4C | Businesswire